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14-04-2014, 19:13 | Michael We.

ANIMA ARCTICA mit div. Veröffentlichungen

Das finnische Label ANIMA ARCTICA (u.a. TERVAHÄÄT) kündigt eine Reihe von Veröffentlichungen und Änderungen an. Hier die News direkt vom Label im Wortlaut:

Anima Arctica distro will carry only items of Anima Arctica and related artists in the future. Distroing items takes time, time that can be used to AA purposes and musick. Focus is getting clearer, so the distro must be cut down to present only relevant and necessary items. The leftover stock will be butchered and handed to You soon.


planned releases:

- Aura Shining Green: tba 2CD retrospective compilation
- Key: tba CD
- Pyhä Kuolema: tba CD
- Pyhä Kuolema: "Saavun vaikken kulkisi" CD  repress
- Tervahäät: Noitanaama CD
- Tervahäät: Virtus CD
- Tervahäät: tba CD

The newest issue of Italian Occidental Congress features an Anima Arctica interview with the undersigned. This third issue of this handsome pro-printed paper magazine of highest quality continues with the topics of traditonalism and cultural roots, esoteric and extreme music and other art. Highest possible recommendations. Written in Italian, plentifully illustrated. Released today, 14/4 -14.



- Taival digi-CD will arrive from the press soon. The pressing plant has processed the album much longer than anticipated and promised. Thanks to all who have pre-ordered the item. The exact release date will be decided soon.
- The concert of Tervahäät at Norway / Tronmdheim 26th of April is cancelled.
- Three different entities are taking their shape at the Tervahäät forge at the moment;


I: The writing and recording process of the second part of the trilogy that "Patria" started is well on it's way. "Virtus" will take its place in the continuum when the time is right.

II: More shamanistic and ritualistic work titled "Noitanaama" is also progressing, new eerie sounds, words and songs emerge from the swamp mists and murky forests with astonishing pace.


III: Intention to capture an intense musical performance in authentic rural surrondings and manifest as much of the essence of the Tervahäät rites as possible to a tangible form. The sound and precence of Tervahäät is quite different on our albums compared to our rites live, and we want to share these experiences and sound with You. These recodings and rituals will take their place during the coming summer, and the release is planned within a few months of these events.

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