„This was a beautiful picture-disc that made you feel like sitting in Monaco with a glass of champagne in one hand and Brigitte Bardot - 40 years younger than now - in the other, whilst the guy on the table next to you slaughters the waiter."
Martin N. für nonpop.de
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XX Century Zorro 's „La cote d'azur“ lässt absolutes Summer-Feeling aufkommen! Ich kann dieses Werk nur empfehlen !
A1 Phrase
A2 Party Me Ending A3 Echo Echo A4 Cinemascope In Moscow A5 Grammar Etiquette A6 The Phuture A7 Ventriloquous A8 Phon A9 Le Poupèe Electrique B1 Beaux 'Call B2 Noir & Colour B3 8000 Days B4 Hypnosis Is B5 Neo Neon B6 La Coste Azure B7 The Visit Of The Sea Song B8 Nontiscordardimé B9 Le Poupèe Electrique 2 |