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Michael We.

T'IEN LAI: Da'at

PHILIP K. DICK zum Hören

T'IEN LAI: Da'at
Genre: Post Industrial
Verlag: Monotype...
Februar 2014
Medium: CD
Preis: ~10,00 €
Kaufen bei: Labelshop

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Originaltext aus der aufklappbaren CD "Da'at" von T'IEN LAI:

Man unleashed a universe of global powers on this planet – the true modern Leviathan. In the name of absolute freedom he created a system – a system of absolute everybody’s control over everybody else. He gave himself a space of escape (virtual), only so he could control the escapers more effectively.

Internet didn’t live up to the revolutionary hopes of people (at least in the West). Subtle strategies of manipulation and net control (which will no longer be subtle in the future) and net/info pollution increasing to an absurd size will soon make this medium incapable of stimulating any kind of socio-economic change, not to mention reinforcing the freedom of citizens.

Art lacks its core, its nervous system is in tatters. Radical novelty in art was always connected to the notions of Truth and/or Progress, while nowadays both these notions became hostages of the market processes and unlimited accumulation of capital. Internet put the final nail in the coffin of modernistic notion of art. Internet is hyper-conservative in its essence. It assembles all world traditions and stories and makes you realize that you are their eternal slave.

Hyper-conservatism is the name of this era. Neoliberal ideology has created a modern Western society as an entity in a phase of inertia, timelessness and stagnation. It means that the citizens are content with the status quo, even though its level is decreasing every year. All the time, we are being deceived by the promise of technocratic and technological paradise, unaware that the concept of technocratic paradise is always a paradise for the few.

Post-modernist ideology, still influential nowadays, wants to make us realize that everything is textual, so no longer a revolution or a radical change is possible. However, this ideology nowadays is only a relic of a certain conservative fashion, which, on the surface, seems to strengthen democracy, but in fact, it prevents from breaking the neoliberal status quo. This status quo leads to marketization of all areas of our lives and to the transformation of society into a transmitter of never-ending, pointless circulation of capital.

We live in dangerous and paradoxical era, in which the strategies of control and manipulation work the more effectively, the more liberty they promise. This is also an era, in which the more promises of liberty failed, the more the control and overt violence is being legitimized (sounds familiar, doesn’t it?). It doesn’t really matter whether you’re left-wing or right-wing, whether you’re a socialist or a liberal… but whether you’re conscious of the processes that define your manhood… or maybe you’ve already become a cyborg – an atom of ignorance fitted for your times.

Michael We. für

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Zumindest die ersten drei Tracks gehören zu den bislang intensivsten Industrial- / Dark Ambient-/ Drone-Stücken des Jahres. Beeinflusst von PHILIP K. DICK könnte die industrielle, klaustrophobische, aber oft auch sehr ästhetische Musik ein perfekter Soundtrack für dessen Stories sein.

1. Serca Miast Zatrzymują Się (7:11)
2. Jitron (7:50)
3. Tron (7:53)
4. Gloria (7:05)
5. Tzimtzum III (11:10)

~ 41 min.
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T'ien Lai