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08-02-2004, 15:32 | Archivar

Boyd Rice löst ORDO LAPSIT EXILLIS auf

Boyd Rice hat nach diversen Differenzen mit seiner Partnerin Tracy Twyman den als „secret order" beschriebenen ORDO LAPSIT EXILLIS aufgelöst.
Autor: Marcel P.

Folgende Nachricht von Boyd Rice wurde per E-Mail und in Newsgroups verbreitet; Boyd Rice hat die Organisation ORDO LAPSIT EXILLIS


offiziell aufgelöst. Die ursprünglich recht produktive Zusammenarbeit mit Tracy Twyman vom Dagobert’s Revenge Magazin,


mit der Boyd Rice für den US-Fernsehsender FOX auch an einer TV-Dokumentation über das Rätsel von Rennes-le-Chateau gearbeitet hat, scheint hiermit wohl beendet zu sein.

Nähere Informationen sind dem O-Ton zu entnehmen; die dringende Bitte an alle Boyd Rice - Fans wäre sicherlich nachzudenken, bevor man für die sog. „Pay-Per-View" Internetangebote von Dagobert’s Revenge zahlt.

Grundsätzlich wird von Boyd Rice in absehbarer Zukunft ein Buch über seine Gral – Nachforschungen erscheinen; sicherlich eine sinnvollere Geldanlage verglichen mit dem o.g. Internetangebot.

Hier nun der O-Ton :

On December 23rd, St. Dagobert's Day, of 2003, Boyd Rice formally and absolutely dissolved the organization known as the ORDO LAPSIT EXILLIS, citing internal corruption of its purposes, goals and function by core members, namely Tracy Twyman and Brian Albert, who was never actually recognized as a legitimate member by most of us. The Order was never intended to serve as a business, moneymaking organization or a corporation, nor was it ever intended to serve as a vehicle for the self-aggrandizement or self-promotion of any single member, regardless of rank in the hierarchy of the Order.

Neither Mr. Rice nor those who have resigned their positions within the order, including myself, recognize the legitimacy of the current membership of the organization calling itself the ORDO LAPSIT EXILLIS, nor do we acknowledge the legitimacy of the use of the name "ORDO LAPSIT EXILLIS" as applied to any organization or order currently in existence and claiming service to God and the Grail.

Furthermore, it should be known that the title of Exalted Grand Master as proposed by Ms Twyman never held any legitimacy in the Order, nor did Ms. Twyman hold any such title at any time. The only title ever granted to Tracy Twyman was the spurious title of "Baroness Von Twyman" granted to her by Tom Weir AKA "Nicholas DeVere" of the so-called "Dragon Court." This title was apparently so embarrassing that it was never used publicly.

Neither Rice nor any of the former members of the now-defunct OLE recognize any "Dragon Court" as having any legitimate claim to any crown, throne or aristocracy.

Furthermore, Rice has asked Ms. Twyman and Mr. Albert to cease and desist using any of his copyrighted material or intellectual property in print, on websites or in conjunction with DAGOBERT'S REVENGE or their Organization. This includes, but is not limited to, interviews conducted by Mr. Rice or with Mr. Rice, articles and editorials authored by Mr. Rice and any image, be it photographic or otherwise, of Mr. Rice.

Be it also known that any incidents of harassment perpetrated against Mr. Rice or the former members of the O.L.E. have been and are being documented for criminal and civil follow-ups.

Despite rumors to the contrary, Mr. Rice is still pursuing his Grail research and the inner circle of core members still continues to function as a self-supporting research and action team. There will be a new website and organization that will be fully sanctioned by Boyd Rice. Participation in it will be made available to those who seek to serve the Grail in earnest.

Finally, as an open inquiry to Tracy Twyman:

You have decided to distance yourself from Boyd Rice.
Despite his repeated requests to remove all that is his intellectual property and copyrighted material from your websites, you have refused and failed to do so.

If you are going to grandstand and make an issue of your independence and your not needing to be associated with Boyd Rice, then why not show the courage of your convictions and distance yourself once and for all? You may do so by removing his material now.

P.S. Knowledge of the Grail doesn't come with a "non-refundable fee" attached.

This statement was necessitated by Ms. Twyman's refusal to comply with repeated requests to remove Rice's writings etc from her various Pay-Per-View websites and out of Rice's concern for people earnestly seeking association with the original OLE, as well as his colleagues
and associates.

Beneath the Banner of the Black Sun,

K.S. Anthony
Boyd Rice

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boyd exillis lapsit legitimacy material ordo organization rice tracy twyman