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28-08-2011, 23:57 | Michael We.

Diverse Neuigkeiten rund um MENACE RUINE

Rund um MENACE RUINE gibt es einige Neuigkeiten. SERPENT DE LA MOTH (auch bekannt als 'S') - der männliche Teil des kanadischen Duos - hat allen Fans der Band per Mail mitgeteilt, dass MR jetzt mit aktuellen Bandinfos auch bei FACEBOOK vertreten sind. AUßerdem bewirbt S zwei MR-Seitenprojekte. Hier der Text mit allen Links:

Hi everyone

Up to now there was no official way to be informed about MR's current activities, so I'm sending this group email in order to pass the active link related to the band. Here it is:


That being said, some of you may already know about the amazing new project of Geneviève (MR) and James Hamilton (Nebris, Dystonia EK) called Preterite. Their awesome first album, Pillar of Winds, will be released in November by Handmade Birds Records. If you're a fan of MR then there's a chance that you will enjoy this, although both duos are very distinct. Personally I am a big fan of them so here's the link:


On my end, I've been working for a year with a friend on a quite different project called SÉVÈRE. The music lies between aggressive synthpop and rythmic noise, check it out if you care:

Site: http://s3v3r3.org
FB: http://listn.to/SVR

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