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27-04-2012, 17:29 | Michael We.

3 neue SLOOW Tapes mit Hörbeispielen!

Daniel Abdal-Hayy Moore
The Ecstatic Exchange
CS 50

A rare chance to hear Daniel Abdal-Hayy Moore reading (and accompanying himself on zither) from his classic collection of shamanic poetry ‘Dawn Visions’, originally published by City Lights back in 1964, when the author was in his early twenties. The poems were written during explorations of mind and space in Mexico and California. As Moore describes it, a period of “immersion on the ocean of poetic inspiration, my near drowning in a sudden flood of imagery and pushing further and further, almost under water in it, surfacing to sing.” From a similar well sprung The Floating Lotus Magic Opera Company, which Moore founded in 1966, blending Zen Buddhism, music and dance of eastern folk theatre and Antonin Artaud into higher dimensions, performing their plays at night, in an amphitheater in North Berkeley, by torchlight.
In 1970 he renounced written poetry and became a sufi, traveling widely in Morocco, Spain, Algeria and Nigeria. Moore broke his silence in the early eighties and has since published numerous spiritually informed books, from which a couple recent poems are here included as well. 100 copies.

Daniel Moore by sloowtapes

Den Stora Vilan
CS 40

We had been talking about this tape for a couple years now: a buncha killer livejams by the great Swedish band Den Stora Vilan (which supposedly translates something as ‘The Great Rest’). Long mellow West Coast influenced psych jams (think ‘American Beauty’ era Gratefuld Dead) meets Neil Young with a bit of Trad Gras Och Stenar thrown in. 200 copies.

Den Stora Vilan by sloowtapes

Planets Around The Sun
Ram of Heart and The Earthen Chariot
CS 75

Planets Around The Sun have been pushing their chariot across the USA for close to a year now, exploring many inner and outer spaces inebriated with fluid acid folk/drone/psych improvisations. Prior to this indefinite tour, they collected these recordings made in various barns, on boats and in bedrooms. An epic collection by these traveling wizards who are also part of the extended Cursillistas, Herbcraft, Tempera, White Light etc. family. 70 copies.

Planets Around The Sun by sloowtapes

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Sloow Tapes