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10-03-2013, 16:59 | Michael We.

B'EE / IN GOWAN RING in Europa unterwegs

Ein typischer, sehr persönlicher Newsletter von B'EE (IN GOWAN RING) mit Konzertankündigungen und Lebensentwurf, aber vielen offenen Fragen  :-)

Ahoy friends,
I'm back to the 'Old World', relatively unscathed from the transport…  and so the year begins!   …Or at least further unfolds, while the dark blankets uncover day by day the light of nascent spring…
We too are coming out of our shell with the continuation of last years 'Glinting Spade Revisited' tour.  In fact the re-issue has been delayed such that we're just about on time this time around… (News regarding 'Glinting Spade' editions to come shortly!)

1]  The pliable tour schedule is something from Berlin down through Portugal and as many in between as we can manage.   We're mostly hoping to play in small theaters and churches, but with some house shows along the way.  It's still quite open and we'd love to play anywhere we can get to, so invite us!  I've been having a lot of fun playing small house shows lately in America and would love to continue some of that out here in Europe. 
REPEAT:  If anyone here would like to have us perform “The Glinting Spade” in their hometown (or home!) write back to me here: and if the winds wynd well, we'll work it out….
Our time frame is in the month of May into June.  We'll have a 3 piece group with quite a nice variety of instruments including blockflute, organ, electric sitar, percussion, various toys and several voices…. 

2]  In other news, Birch Book will be featured in the soundtrack of the upcoming film The Fairy Trail:  we may be playing at some of the film openings in April.
"The Fairy Trail is a documentary about nature spirits. The filmmakers set out on the trail of elves, fairies, gnomes, dwarves, mermaids, nymphs, goblins and those human beings who are able to sense them.
What are those beings that have fascinated people for centuries and without whom our myths and fairy tales would be unthinkable?
Till Gerhard and Britta Schmidtke want to know and travel to people and places where faith in nature spirits is alive and being lived. The film will be released in 2013.”
3]  Also, at present I'm searching out some likely or un-so place to plot my PentTent for the Summer or beyond.  My thoughts lay on Belgium or southern France, or maybe Auvergne, or Somewhere else nice?… but if anyone has any leads or suggestions for quiet places anywhere attendant to farms or other owned lands whereby one could rent a plot, possibly not far off from water source I should be very interested in any news of such so as to gather some of the fair season's inspirations.

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