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Wouter E.



Kategorie: Spezial
Wörter: 917
Erstellt: 29.01.2011
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The relationship with SOUTHERN RECORDS came to an uncomfortable end in December of 2009. Leaving SOUTHERN RECORDS wasn't easy, since they claimed ownership of the name MIDWICH RECORDS. So it was decided to leave the label in the hands of SOUTHERN and start a new label instead. In an email sent out to the mailing list, help was asked to come up with a name for the new label, that would be MIDWICH RECORDS in everything but name. Requirements were that the new name had to be snappy, sound good when spoken, look good when written down, be very English, and if possible reference a relevant film or book and also sum up the kind of wyrd-folky-eerie vibe of the label. The label RIF MOUNTAIN RECORDS was born. In spirit it wasn't a new label of course, but a continuation of the work as MIDWICH and HOBBY HORSE RECORDS. MIDWICH RECORDS seems totally dormant now that it's in the hands of SOUTHERN RECORDS.

The core of the RIF MOUNTAIN family is made up of the usual suspects STEVEN COLLINS, DOM COOPER, JASON STEEL and NANCY WALLACE. Ultimately, STEVEN COLLINS is in charge, but generally no decisions are made without consulting the others. Apart from distribution, which is handled by SRD (SOUTHERN RECORDS DISTRIBUTORS) everything is done in-house: records are made at home, DOM COOPER does all the graphic design, they coordinate their own production, STEVEN COLLINS manages the label at SRD. Each artist handles his own press and all mail orders are packaged and posted by a member of the RIF MOUNTAIN family.

The first releases of the new label came out early in 2010 with two new JASON STEEL releases and a reissue. The first new release was another EP called "Baby, Wolves Abound" which was followed by his full length debut "Fire Begot Ash". His debut EP was reissued as well, starting off a series of reissues of out of print material. So far, THE TRYSTING TREE's album and the first THE OWL SERVICE EP got reissued.

Another interesting project, similar in nature to the earlier "Conversations With Death" compilation, was the "Covered in Darkness, Filled With Light" compilation. The album consists of two songs apiece from THE OWL SERVICE, NANCY WALLACE, THE STRAW BEAR BAND and JASON STEEL. Each would cover a song of another RIF MOUNTAIN artist and provide an additional cover their favourite UK number one single from the last 50 years.

By far the biggest releases of 2010 were the first two parts of THE OWL SERVICE's "The Pattern Beneath The Plough" project: the EP "The Burn Comes Down" and "The View From a Hill", the highly anticipated second full length album. The band, who are now officially a seven piece outfit, got assistance from amongst others ALISON O'DONNELL and JOOLIE WOOD for the recordings. Compared to their debut, they lost their psychedelic edge in favour of a richer traditional folk sound. But without a doubt, the album can be seen as a big step forward from their debut. The remaining two parts are planned for a 2011 release.

A series of special live events was also started in 2010 under the moniker Meet on the Ledge. For each event, a free CD was created that was only available at the show itself. After five of these events, a compilation of these free CD's was made available to people who could not attend the gigs and would otherwise miss out on those exclusive recordings. Some highlights of these CD's are a collaboration of NANCY WALLACE and JASON STEEL and a track by WOLFGANG AND THE WOLF GANG, another project made up primarily of RIF MOUNTAIN artists.

In September, RIF MOUNTAIN co-hosted Ghosts From the Basement, a 40th anniversary celebration of the VILLAGE THING label. It was an all-day event at Cecil Sharp House and nearly all RIF MOUNTAIN artists performed that day. Furthermore, RIF MOUNTAIN issued a special compilation CD for the event called "Echoes From the Mountain". For the compilation, contemporary artists covered their favourite VILLAGE THING songs.

The Hobby Horse Singles Collection saw another release as well in 2010 with THE STRAW BEAR BAND EP "Vexed Soul". For this and the final part of the collection, it was decided to drop the lathe cut in favour of a regular vinyl single, as the lathe cuts proved a real nightmare to produce in the past.

Once again, most 2010 releases were by the core family. But some interesting releases are planned for the near future. Amongst them are releases by ALASDAIR ROBERTS, THE A LORDS, THE HONEYGALES, ROBERT SUNDAY and ROSHI NASEHI. Definitely an interesting batch to look forward to.


With two drastic changes in four years, from HOBBY HORSE to RIF MOUNTAIN, the label might seemingly look an unstable entity at first glance. The truth is these changes are all on the bureaucratic/administrative front. Their core business remains music, and they have been very consistent with a good eye for quality all this time. So, in all but the name, RIF MOUNTAIN is still very much the HOBBY HORSE that started out in 2006. And they are definitely a label to keep an eye on.

Wouter E. für nonpop.de

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» Rif Mountain Records
» Rif Mountain @ SoundCloud
» Review of "A Garland Of Song" & Interview with Steven Collins @ NONPOP (both in German)

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