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Fotos (c) von Christian K. und Anja P.
Lichtreigen #11 am 23. April 2005!
DJ :darksounds:
hybryds - the ritual should be kept alive (earth mix)
coil - the dreamer is still asleep
morthound - riverine
sephiroth - wolftribes
fir$t law - amphetamine sulfate
auftritt: 'seraphim'
death in june - the november men
current ninety three / höh - passing horses
antony & the johnsons - spiralling
barry adamson & nick cave - the sweetest embrace
johnny cash - the man comes around / hurt
psychic tv - the orchids
auftritt: 'sol invictus'
coil - ostia (the death of pasolini)
death in june - accidental protegé
backworld - destroying angel
of the wand and the moon - in a robe of fire (rmx)
cranes - everywhere
the cure - the last day of summer
placebo - 20 years
david bowie - i´m deranged (*)
interpol - evil
joy division - she´s lost control
tuxedomoon - no tears
the sisters of mercy - lucretia my reflection
pink turns blue - michelle
dead can dance - in power we entrust the love advocated
nature & organisation - bloodstreamruns
fire + ice - greyhead
argine - arm
nick cave & the bad seeds - as i sat sadly by her side
the veils - lavinia
beth gibbons & rustin man - funny time of year (*)
rufus wainwright - the one you love (*)
the smiths - there is a light that never goes out
rem - leaving new york
in the nursery - the 7th seal (*)
blood axis - the hangman & the papist (*)
sol invictus - kneel to the cross (*)
forseti - der graue könig (*)
orplid - bifrost
joy division - decades (*)
coil - the dreamer is still asleep (encore) (*)
sigur rós - viðrar vel til loftárása
antony & the johnsons - i fell in love with a dead boy
current ninety three - all the pretty little horses / patripassian
2o.3o uhr
01.Edith Piaf - jai quà lregarder
02.Ait! - take an oath
03.Coil - broccoli
04.Apoptose - abschied von der sonne
05.Ophir - saat & ernte
06.Omnicore - complices
07.Derniere Volonte - soldat
08.Psy 231 - rockin rollin rhythms
09.SPK - walking on dead steps
10.Hunting Lodge - tribal warning shot
11.Force Dimension - dust [rmx]
12.Tribe Of Circle - colors of europa
13.Wolfpact - murder bag
14.Der Blutharsch - untitled
15.Near Death Experience - walls of mirror
16.Death In June - rain of despair
17.Parzival - jerusalem
18.Sangre Cavallum - rio douro
19.Orplid - erzengel michael
20.Lux Interna - in the desolate open
21.Jay Munty - still the wine
22.16 Horsepower - neck on the new blade
23.Inner Glory - ecstasy road
24.Unidad Sasao - antenna
25.Wermut - il ny a pas damour heureux
26.Bain Wolfkind - big black train
27.C17H19No3 - scarifice
28.Laibach - f.i.a.t.
29.Puissance - mother of disease
30.Clock DVA - velvet realm
31.The Klinik - someone somewhere
32.Pankow - treuhund
33.DAF - ich und die wirklichkeit
34.Einstürzende Neubauten - hirnlego
35.Tommi Stumpff - zu spät
36.Bakterielle Infektion - komputerherz
37.Liaisons Dangereuses - etre assis ou danser
38.Zwischenfall - flucht
39.Cabaret Voltaire - do the mussolini [headkick]
40.Throbbing Gristle - what a day
41.Coph Nia - prime mover
42.Novo Homo - border control
43.ACOH feat. Krieger - stirb und werde
44.Polygon - pyramid
45.Klangstabil - kill all lifeforms
46.Dive - vicious bitch
47.Pain Station - brain dead
48.De Vermis Mysteriis - anon edhelen
49.Stalingrad - the road on which youll die / morriconiana
50.Dawn & Dusk Entwined - sacrifice for purity
51.Blood Axis - between birds of prey
52.Land - medzi u jednorozce" a na porici 7
53.Ludwig Van Beethoven - klaviersonate nr.14 cis-moll
54.Boards Of Canada - 1969
55.Portishead - its a fire
56.Fetish 69 - cocoon
60.Massive Attack - dissolved girl
61.Antony & The Johnsons - hitler in my heart
62.Current 93 - crowleymass unveiled
63.Johnny Cash - i wont back down
64.Tom Waits - goin out west
65.Bain Wolfkind - bankrupt soul
66.Ain Soph - rubàyyat
67.Ait! - donna
68.Blood Axis - herr, nun laß in frieden
69.Mörder Maschine - death show
70.Slogun - this is mine do nothing
71.Genocide Organ - john birch society
72.Propergol - the program
73.Esplendor Geometrico - autolesion
74.Anenzephalia - final pulse
75.Sutcliffe Jugend - second victim - with brutal force - my pleasure your pain
76.Mental Destruction - the lord reigns
77.Blackhouse - 5 minutes after i die
78.Klangstabil - push yourself
79.The Klinik - obsession
80.Front 242 - dont crash [live]
81.Clock DVA - voice recognition test
Skinny Puppy - solvent [w]
83.Die Krupps - the machineries of joy [w]
85.Blok 57 - burn baby burn
86.F.P.A.C. - systematic overload pressurehead
87.Vomito Negro - no hope nop fear
88.Novo Homo - lust machine
89.Haus Arafna - maruta
90.Zarah Leander - wunderbar
91.Blood Axis - electricity [w]
92.Spell - the little bird
93.Gae Bolg - IV
94.The Green Man - europa
95.Decadence - dead boys choir
96.Spiritual Front - im walking the (dead) line
97.Novy Svet - untitled
98.Ô Paradis - el gato del marinero
99.ZZA - la tela del ragno
100.Leonard Cohen - story of isaac
101.Johnny Cash - i see a darkness
102.Changes - waiting for the fall
103.16 Horsepower - i seen what i saw
104.Spiritual Front - soulgambler
105.Madredeus - a vaca de fogo
106.Jefferson Airplane - lather
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