NONPOP - News > Allgemeine Bekanntmachung > RASP - neues Projekt von MATT HOWDEN

14-10-2013, 13:37 | Michael We.

RASP - neues Projekt von MATT HOWDEN

Unser fleißiger Dauergast MATT HOWDEN (SIEBEN) hat schon wieder ein neues Projekt ins Leben gerufen, welches sich unter anderem durch die besondere Art und Weise auszeichnet, ein Album einzuspielen. Hier die Infos von MATT:

Rasp is a new project based around two loop-based musicians, London cellist Jo Quail and Sheffield violinist/vocalist Matt Howden (Sieben), creating wild, bold, and chillingly beautiful music. Add to that the artwork of acclaimed Sheffield artist Martin Bedford, and the industry and management of Alan Pride, and you have a unique collective of talent.

In that spirit, Rasp will be undertaking


three unique events in two days - Rasp will conceive, perform and record  their first album, all in front of a live audience.

7th – 8th November 2013 - Rasp is born!

Jo Quail:
Matt Howden:
Martin Bedford:


Rasp present > WRITE > PERFORM > RECORD >

Three entirely unique Rasp experiences!

7Th November 2013 * Red Tape Central, Sheffield S1 4SP / 12.30 - 14.30

WRITE > Rasp write and compile an album in two hours, for a live and web-stream audience.

Pop in and see what we do at the college; see two skilled artists create music before your eyes (and ears); come have a quick listen, or sit captivated for two hours, as the mood takes you!

7Th November 2013 * Lantern Theatre, Sheffield S7 1NF / 19.45 - 23.00

PERFORM > A live concert of this material in a beautiful setting, that evening. Jo Quail and Sieben perform, followed by the first ever live performance of Rasp, with the music made that afternoon. Limited tickets available from:

8Th November 2013 * Club 60 recording Studio, Sheffield / 19.00 - 00.00

RECORD >  Record the first Rasp album, to a select live audience in an atmospheric location.

Rasp will record their debut album, live in front of a (hopefully) hushed audience, in the most beautiful studio in Sheffield! The album will be recorded to 2” analogue tape, the musicians and the space captured live!

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Matt Howden