NONPOP - News > Allgemeine Bekanntmachung > Neue DAVID TIBET-Homepage online

07-01-2013, 16:17 | Michael We.

Neue DAVID TIBET-Homepage online

Die neue, lange angekündigte Homepage von DAVID TIBET ist ab sofort online... Hier die offizielle Mitteilung dazu:

DAVIDTIBET.COM IS OVERMOON TO ARISE, no longer near, nor at the door, but finally here, will be the main website concerned with David’s artwork and publishing. Beautifully designed and built by Jessica Chappell, presently features the two editions of I AROSE AS ALEPH, THE SPELLER, THE KILLER and the C93 record and two prints that are in the book’s family. The website will soon expand to take in other areas of David’s activities and interests. The next publication to be available from the site will be the two editions of Under The Rain And Teeth Of Gods (Sing Omega)—The Collected Lyrics of David Tibet. Meanwhile, an online portfolio is being compiled of artwork by David that is no longer in his possession but in other collections.

Exclusively available from the shop on are all the items featured in this update. Soon to be added to the shop will be original paintings and drawings by David, as well as prints of his work. The shop will also offer books he is publishing, both by himself and others.

Please Note: all items purchased from are shipped by them; the site and shop of is not connected to State51/Greedbag who do continue, however, to be the mail-order outlet for David’s musical projects and other items they already offer connected to me and my various labels and imprints.

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