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03-08-2016, 19:24 | Michael We.

DRONE-MIND//MIND-DRONE mit 5ter Ausgabe

Eine der besten Musikserien geht in die nächste Runde: Noch im August soll die 5te Auflage von "DRONE-MIND//MIND-DRONE" auf DRONE RECORDS erscheinen, hier die aktuelle Ankündigung des Labels:

* NEW LABEL ANNOUNCEMENT!!  a new "DRONE-MIND//MIND-DRONE" LP is in production, it should come out late August 2016.
* Only 400 copies are pressed this time, we will have about 300 for sale. You can already pre-order!
* DRONE-MIND // MIND-DRONE Vol. 5    LP   (Drone Records MIND-05)   € 15.00
* again filled with exiting experimental drone acts from the whole planet, we can finally present you Vol. 5 in our ongoing series, with new names you probably don't know yet:
* GYDJA (New Zealand), CLADE, (Scotland / USA), MONOCUBE (Ukraine) and YRSEL (France); lim. 400, coloured vinyl.

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