NONPOP - News > Allgemeine Bekanntmachung > THE JOY OF NATURE lösen sich auf

28-03-2013, 18:30 | Michael We.

THE JOY OF NATURE lösen sich auf

Kurz nach ihrer Teilnahme an unserem NONPOP-Sampler #4 - mit einem neuen Stück - haben THE JOY OF NATURE offenbar bekannt gegeben, dass sie sich auflösen. HEATHEN HARVEST hat jüngst diese News direkt von der Band veröffentlicht:

After titles like "My Work Was Not Yet Done or My Work Is Done", one could suspect that The Joy of Nature was coming to an end and that’s true. After the release of the 7’’ single "A ilha que Perdeu o Encanto" and the release of the song “Namarupa” on the NONPOP Sampler #4, the work of The Joy of Nature is complete.

The Joy of Nature and other solo or semi-solo related projects (Aquarelle, Teatro Grotesco, The Joy of Nature and Discipline, etc.) were a big part of my life during the last 15 years, but that cycle is closed now. The Joy of Nature had an identity of its own that, through the passing of time, was lost. It’s the most natural thing to happen.

My thanks go to everyone who gave their support and collaborated in one way or another!

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The Joy Of Nature