NONPOP - News > Allgemeine Bekanntmachung > BABY DEE-Konzert plus Ausstellung

22-01-2012, 08:00 | Michael We.

BABY DEE-Konzert plus Ausstellung

Kommende Woche tritt BABY DEE in Rotterdam auf, gleichzeitig wird eine Ausstellung der Künstlerin eröffnet, die das Titelbild zum Album "Regifted Light" gemacht hat. Am 18. März spielt BABY DEE zusammen mit C93 in Helsinki. Alle Infos im Originaltext aus dem aktuellen Newsletter:

January 24 2012: Baby Dee recital and Christina de Vos exhibition
Hooray! Hooray! Next week Baby Dee will once more perform surrounded by her beloved slugs and snails, in De Unie in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. This one time special event will be a combination of a Baby Dee solo recital and an exhibition by Rotterdam artist Christina de Vos. The exhibition will include the cover art Christina de Vos made for Baby Dee's album Regifted Light, as well as other Baby Dee related work, like baby saint and the I love you baby dee billboard design.

Baby Dee in Helsinki
Finnish fans may be pleased to know that they will be able to see Baby Dee live in Finland soon. She will play in Helsinki on March 18 with Current 93, which will be a first both for Baby Dee and Current 93.

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