NONPOP - News > Neue Veröffentlichung > PRIKOSNOVÉNIE-Geburtstag mit ARTESIA-Album

06-12-2011, 22:20 | Michael We.


Das französische Label PRIKOSNOVÉNIE (u.a. die Heimat von CORDE OBLIQUE) feiert Geburtstag. Gleichzeitg erscheint ein neues Album von ARTESIA. Hier die beiden News im Wortlaut des Labels:


We are celebrating our 20 Years old. So all our back-catalogue is at 10Euros. We are so grateful of what live gave us during these 20 Years. 153 releases, that's amazing! So many meetings with great artists like Louisa John-Krol, Daemonia Nymphe, Irfan, Francesco Banchini, Maple Bee, Corde Oblique, Ashram, Fleur just to name a few. Thank you Life, thank you faeries, we have been blessed. We are also offer gift for Christmas order (sorry only for Europe).

ARTESIA Wanderings

We are waiting for the new ARTESIA Wanderings to be out on 21th of December. We expected to have on 1st of december but the printer was too much fascinated by  the music that he forgot to print! Now it's on the press. We are really proud of this CD which is one of our master piece in these 20 years I have mastered this album in November and I have been really amazed by the quality, the ambiance, the mood of this 4th album made by Agathe. Jcw played cello and made the arrangements and this really make the recording deep and powerful, symphonic and orchestral. While I was mastering I was remembering when I received the first Artesia's demo, it was really lo-fi. Such an evolution! You can preorder your copy now here. This DVDsizebook version is limited.

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