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27-06-2014, 11:14 | Michael We.

Neues Drone/Doom-Album auf DROWNING zum Download

Das Netlabel DROWNING (Drone und Doom) bietet in unregelmäßigen Abständen hochwertige Download-Veröffentlichungen an, heute ist es wieder so weit:

Bitter Tree - Promethean Cloud
Dark dreamy drone & doom. Out now as free drownload.
Dark dreamy drone & doom with an uplifting and spiritual undercurrent. Oceans of ideas and intricacies blend together with overwhelming waves of sounds, riffs and impressions to form a powerful listening experience for the adventurous drone doom metalist.

Promethean Cloud is the debut album of the one-man post-doom metal project Bitter Tree, which is operated out of Ottawa, Canada by a young guy called William Patton.

This versatile and evocative work is the result of a multi-instrumental approach founded on bowed guitar drones and full on electric guitar doom metal riffs. These are continuously and creatively blended with field recordings, dispersed percussion, voice over recitals, a flamenco guitar and vocal appearances by Angus Cairnie, Eric Seguin, Hwayeon Hong and Cameron Bessada.

Last track on the album is a remarkable bonus track featuring throat-singing and blustering duets in Klingon.

The album has been mastered by Danny Kreutzfeldt. The artwork is made by Madeleine Patton based on Ovid Banished From Rome by J. M. W. Turner.

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